Latest Kid’s Health Topics from the Clinic.


  Hi there. I’m Dr Sarah.  I’m a friend of Dr Megs and also a Paediatric Endocrinologist.   I look after kids with hormone issues and diabetes.  This is the first of a couple of posts that I will be writing.   PUBERTY IN GIRLS Puberty is a normal process we...


Helloooooo again everyone! After a not-all that-relaxing (well... I DO have a 2 year old and a 5 year old and the plane trip home was enough to undo any relaxation that could have occurred prior to that point!) and not-nearly-long-enough week away I am back at the...


Motor and vocal tics, and tic disorders in children. What are they and how do we help kids with them? Read on to find out!

Febrile convulsions

So today we are going to discuss a phenomenon that we see in kids' emergency departments ALL THE TIME.  Given that in the last 2-3 days the weather has gotten cold and we flu season is literally JUST around the corner, I thought this might be a good topic to cover for...

Toddler Tantrums

Tantrumming toddlers. Enough to drive any parents and any person in the near vicinity up the wall. Here are some practical strategies to try with your Two or Threenager (or older tantrummer) in an attempt to save your sanity.

Gifted children and behavioural problems

Why gifted children develop behavioural problems I have had a little run of seeing kids in clinic of late who have been particularly gifted.  It is more common for a paediatrician to see children who struggle with their learning due to below average thinking and...

Chicken Pox (Varicella)

In this very informative article, our resident GP Dr Katie goes through the ins-and-outs of CHICKEN POX . What you need to know about the disease, how we treat it and prevent it. Given the recent outbreak of chicken pox in Brisbane, this is an article you don’t want to miss!!

Short Stature

Dr Sarah, our resident paediatric endocrinologist takes a detailed look at the causes of short stature and how it is assessed in children in this great article.

Natural remedies for cold and flu – do they work?

Hey guys!! Here is a quick article as a follow up to last Monday’s article on probiotics. Today I am about to knock up a quick read on various products that are marketed to “boost the immune system” or “fight off bugs” or “help ease cold and flu symptoms.” I know you...

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

So today I am going to take the liberty of nerding out on my blog in my last medical post before Christmas.   This is a rare condition that I think is absolutely fascinating, and that I have probably seen about 6 or 7 times in my career (including people I ...

Jaundice in newborn babies

Dr Megs writes about a common and usually self-resolving problem in newborn babies – jaundice. Sometimes the cause of jaundice in babies can be more serious however, and this article looks at these causes, and how we treat babies who have it.

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Dr Megs’

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